2024-03-17 03:47:00 | 先锋网
前言 :但是,美国除了被公认的质量,美国的学院和大学往往被认为是昂贵的。然而,即使是国际学生,也有大量的经济援助。如果你很想去美国留学,但又不知道如何获得资助,这里有一些建议可以帮助你。
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In order to be considered for a need-based financial assistance, international students need simply apply under our Regular Decision plan. An international student is considered a student who is NOT a U.S. citizen and NOT a U.S. permanent resident. Students who hold F1, F2, J1, J2, or G series visas or other eligible non-citizens (humanitarian parole, Cuban-Haitian Entrant, refugee status, asylum) are considered international students. Please note, these are a few of the many visas and immigration categories we work with in the admission process.
为了申请到基于需求的经济支助,国际学生只需要在定期决定计划下申请。国际学生指的是非美国公民或非美国永久性居民学生。持有F1、F2、J1、J2、G 系列签证的学生或其他有资格的非公民(人道主义假释、Cuban-Haitian进入者、难民身份、庇护),被视作国际学生。请注意,这些只是学校在申请审理过程中要处理的签证和移民类型的一小部分。
International students who apply for need-based financial aid will be reviewed as a separate cohort of applicants. In our admission process, we must be “need-aware” for international students. This means that when reviewing applications from students who are not citizens or Permanent Residents of the United States, Emory University takes into account whether or not an applicant has requested financial assistance. As a result of this need-aware approach and the limited funds available to international students, Emory’s admission rate for international applicants requesting need-based financial aid is notably lower than the rate of acceptance for those students not requesting aid. Because of this, we advise students to apply for financial aid only if they do not have the resources to fund their education, and to complete the financial aid form as accurately as possible.
International students are only eligible for financial aid if they apply for support during the admission process. Students who are certain they will need financial aid at any point during their years at Emory College must apply for financial aid during the admission process. Only those students who apply for and receive financial aid for their freshman year will be eligible to receive financial assistance in subsequent years.
International students receiving financial aid from Emory College must plan to contribute funding towards their educational expenses. For example, students will be responsible for travel expenses to the U.S. from their home country. Emory University cannot assume responsibility for economic changes such as currency fluctuation, nor can it replace lost support that a student may have expected to receive from relatives, sponsors, or government and corporate grants.
Students in the process of obtaining permanent residency status, or "Permanent Residence Pending" status in the United States, should be aware that they cannot be considered for federal financial aid until they receive actual documentation of their immigration status and provide it to the university.
How to Apply: Select YES when asked about applying for need-based financial aid on the Common Application or Coalition Application.
In addition, international students seeking need-based financial aid are required to submit the following additional documents:
如何申请:在Common Application 申请基于需求的经济补助的时候,选择“是”。
International / Financial Certification form (FIF), which should be completed and returned to the Office of Admission. The College Board certification of finances form is also acceptable in addition to a note or statement from your bank or financial institution as proof of funding. (due by January 1, 2017)
CSS / Financial Aid Profile (due February 15, 2017).
Tax return required by home country (or a Non-tax Filer Statement is a tax return is not required) submitted through College Board's Institutional Documents Service (IDOC) (due by February 15, 2017)
These requirements should be sent as attached PDFs. Please make sure to include the applicant's full name, date of birth, and application ID .
U.S. Immigration
If admitted, you will receive an official letter certifying the fact that you have been approved for admission and informing you about dates for registration and the beginning of the term. You should not make plans to leave your country until you have received visa documents from the University division to which you seek admission. Each international student is required by U.S. Immigration Laws to register as a full-time student each semester, except the summer term.
Every international student must have a passport or official travel document from host nation if a refugee. Most passports are valid for a limited time. Before the expiration date, an international student must have the passport renewed at his or her country's nearest consulate or embassy in the United States. To receive a visa to enter the United States, most students will receive a Form 1-20 or DS2019. Unless you are from a country not subject to visa restrictions, this form must be taken by the student to a U.S. Consulate Office. The Consulate will issue the visa and mark it in your passport.
如果国际学生具有难民身份,必须持有护照或者美国开具的官方旅行文件,才能入境。大部分护照只在特定时间内有限。在失效前,国际学生必须在就近的领事馆或大使馆更新护照。为了拿到签证入境美国,不部分学生需要持有1-20 或 DS2019。除非所在国家没有签证限制,否则学生必须将1-20 或 DS2019带到美国领事馆办公室。领事馆负责签发签证,在护照上做标记。
Subject to visa requirements, an international student may not enter the United States unless the visa entry has been made in the passport. You should advise the University if your country will permit you to leave only on a "J"-type visa.
Upon arrival at a port of entry to the United States, present the passport and form I-20 or DS2019 to receive an Arrival/Departure Record (Form I-94). Permission to stay in the United States will be for the duration of your status as a bona fide non-immigrant student.
(Note: Forms I-20 and DS2019 will not be issued by Emory University until you have been accepted for a program of study and have submitted evidence of funds necessary to meet all expenses while enrolled.)
Medical insurance is mandatory for international students at Emory and Oxford. All international students automatically will be enrolled in the “Accident and Sickness Insurance for Emory University Students” plan unless the student shows that he or she has equal coverage prior to his or her registration. Once accepted, each student will receive further information about the mandatory insurance regulation from the International Student and Scholar Programs Office.
Campus Services for International Students
The Office of International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) provides services to assist you as you arrive in a different culture and experience a new educational system. ISSS helps international students in F-1 and J-1 status maintain their legal status and assists them in applying for immigration benefits. Advisors provide immigration information via email and the ISSS website and advise students in person during walk-in hours and scheduled appointments. ISSS also provides seminars on topics like international student employment.
国际学生学者服务办公室提供有服务,以便你适应新的文化和新的教育体制。国际学生学者服务办公室帮助具有F-1 和 J-1签证的学生维持自己的合法地位,申请移民相关福利。辅导员通过邮件和国际学生学者服务办公室网站提供移民信息,并在私下和约定时间亲自对学生进行辅导。国际学生学者服务办公室也有诸如国际学生就业主题的研讨会。
ISSS partners with Emory College and Oxford College to provide International Student orientation programs for enrolling students that address the specific needs of international students at Emory University.
The Office of International Student Life (OISL) helps connect international students to meaningful campus life opportunities, provides intentional events and programs to highlight the diversity of nationalities and cultures at Emory, and fosters connections between international and domestic students. We provide many services and opportunities like a weekly International Coffee Hour, Homegoods Handout Program, Global Debate Forum, Conversation Partner Program, online resources, weekly newsletters, and much more!
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